Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Health Benefits Of Liposomal Glutathione

 The Health Benefits Of Liposomal Glutathione

Along with knowledge of the amazing health benefits of maintaining good levels of Glutathione, it is important to consider Liposomal Glutathione and how beneficial it is to the body.  Liposomal Glutathione is the most effective supplement available today because it actually works to restore Glutathione levels in the body.  Glutathione in pill form does not provide sufficient amounts of the anti-oxidant necessary to maintain optimal health, as it has the tendency to be destroyed during the approach.  In pill form, it is highly unlikely that any of the Glutathione will even enter the bloodstream, therefore never making it to the cells. 
Liposomal Glutathione absorption is vastly different from gastro-intestinal absorption.  During digestion, nutrients are typically broken down in our stomach and intestines with acid, enzymes and bacteria.  If molecules are small enough, it is possible for them to slip between intestinal cells and enter the blood stream.  The liver and other organs then reassemble the more complex molecules, such as enzymes, lipids and hormones.  Liposomal Glutathione works around normal digestive protocol, because liposomes, appearing like human cells, will merge together creating larger ones. Liposomes are NOT digested, because they cannot be broken down.  Liposomal Glutathione goes directly into your bloodstream and is the most effective delivery method.

It goes without saying that at the core of a healthy body is a healthy diet. A diet focused heavily on vegetables such as kale, spinach, carrots, celery, broccoli, cucumber, cabbage, peppers, peas and beans should be a part of your diet every day.  However, a good diet is just one element in the Glutathione balance.  Because Glutathione from food sources can be broken down very easily in the gut and liver before it ever reaches the bloodstream, a simple change of diet alone will not have a significant effect on Glutathione levels.  However, Liposomal Glutathione has a special coating which means that it won’t be broken down by the body until it reaches its target, the cells that need it most.

Most Liposomal Glutathione suppliers recommend an adult dosage of
approximately 420-650 milligrams daily.  The two main ingredients of Liposomal Glutathione (Glutathione and Phospholipids) are naturally present in our body, therefore there are absolutely no known incident reports claiming patients and consumers have had any adverse reactions to the Liposomal Glutathione supplementation.  Because it is very stable, Liposomal Glutathione can be kept at room temperature (65-75 degrees Fahrenheit) for a period up to six months.  If desired, it can be gently mixed into orange or other juice, if taken immediately after mixing.